As we near the final "fine tuning" of Learning Adventure #8, I realize that I have been so focused on learning from others on the development, content and esthetic appearance of the website I have lost sight of the purpose of all our learning adventures.  Therefore, I'm stopping to reflect on the process that started on Nov. 4th  - only 11 days ago.  

The events that encompassed and surrounded this project were overwhelming to me. If someone would have told me one year ago that I would have the opportunity to work with such talented individuals and support the development of a website that was professional in appearance, content, and purpose, I would have told them that the probability of this was slim.  And, there is no other way for me to describe it but that – 
this LA is a dream come true for me. 
I vaguely remember Gary saying once that we need to align ourselves 
with “exceptional” individuals that will challenge us intellectually and personally so that we will reach our potential.  At that time I 
stated I felt I was there already (referring to the members of Cadre 
XI).   But, I didn’t truly understand the level of expertise that exists within Cadre XI.   Well, Gary, I think it may take the rest of my life to find individuals that are more exceptional than this 

My thoughts of the impact of the G1G1 campaign can have on children around the world are a reminder of the power of people with educational backgrounds and knowledge.  Knowledge is power and 
education can have a powerful impact on society.

This project is “The Children’s Machine”.  Never have I read a book that I felt so connected to and then been able to be actively involved in its message.  I think this is what is so empowering about the 
project we have undertaken.  LA #8 has allowed us to work 
collaboratively, has allowed individual’s strengths to become more 
apparent, and has been a remarkable experience.  Just reading the postings about who was going to do what and then seeing it done, is remarkable. I don’t work in an environment where this type of blind 
trust exists.  I find it fascinating to see the trust that has been 
built in just a short period of time, the respect that exists between 
cadre members, and the enthusiasm for each others’ accomplishments.

I have identified that I’m still intimidated by many computer tasks. 
I’m trying but when other individuals’ work may be accidently deleted 
by one of my errors, I can’t make myself try to do a new technical 
skill.  I also wish that I could make myself jump in and do more.  My 
fear is that if I take on something it may lead me into a corner where I encounter a technological issue that I will inevitably have to ask 
for help, again. And, I feel this slows down the momentum of the project.  It is hard to find a task that can be done on this type of project that isn’t related to technical skills but I have been able to participate on some level.

My last reflection is simple – I feel I have learned more about 
teamwork, collaboration, shared participation, right brained thinking, and informal learning by experiencing it in this project than I could have in any other environment.

My last comment is to Cadre XI members - congratulations on a 
wonderful LA experience and project.