Reflection on LA#8 Give One, Get One Project
As we near the final "fine tuning"
of Learning Adventure #8, I realize that I have been so focused on learning
from others on the development, content and esthetic appearance of the website
I have lost sight of the purpose of all our learning adventures.
Therefore, I'm stopping to reflect on the process that started on Nov.
4th - only 11 days ago.
My thoughts of the impact of the G1G1 campaign can have on children around
the world are a reminder of the power of people with educational backgrounds
and knowledge. Knowledge is power and
education can have a powerful impact
on society.
This project is “The Children’s Machine”. Never have I read a book
that I felt so connected to and then been able to be actively involved in its
message. I think this is what is so empowering about the
project we have
undertaken. LA #8 has allowed us to work
collaboratively, has allowed
individual’s strengths to become more
apparent, and has been a remarkable
experience. Just reading the postings about who was going to do what and
then seeing it done, is remarkable. I don’t work in an environment where this
type of blind
trust exists. I find it fascinating to see the trust that
has been
built in just a short period of time, the respect that exists between
cadre members, and the enthusiasm for each others’ accomplishments.
I have identified that I’m still intimidated by many computer tasks.
trying but when other individuals’ work may be accidently deleted
by one of my
errors, I can’t make myself try to do a new technical
skill. I also wish
that I could make myself jump in and do more. My
fear is that if I take
on something it may lead me into a corner where I encounter a technological
issue that I will inevitably have to ask
for help, again. And, I feel this
slows down the momentum of the project. It is hard to find a task that
can be done on this type of project that isn’t related to technical skills but
I have been able to participate on some level.
My last reflection is simple – I feel I have learned more about
collaboration, shared participation, right brained thinking, and informal
learning by experiencing it in this project than I could have in any other
My last comment is to Cadre XI members - congratulations on a
LA experience and project.